Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Little Things

Why are we all waiting for that one BIG moment to happen when everything that we have ever wanted just happens to fall into place? Why can't we just open our eyes to all these little blessings that are happening all around us every second of every day?  God is constantly throwing things your way to show that He is listening and that you are blessed. Life throws this perception at you that one day you are going to wake up and life is going to be exactly what you have always wanted. But that is not true, whatsoever. You get where you are by working hard and not giving up. Take a look around you, you are surrounded by the most beautiful things. The most beautiful people. We all get caught up in this crazy whirlwind that everything we have ever wanted is just going to show up at our doorstep. It's not. You have to figure out what it is you want and work hard. Don't ever stop giving it your all. Life is hard, really hard. But you can do it. Believe in yourself and count all your blessing
Then, life will fall into place.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mother Knows Best

'All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother.' Abraham Lincoln
This has to be the most powerful quote I have ever come across about a mother. You or I or anyone, for that matter, would not be here today without your mom. whether or not she is in your life, she still created you. & whoever it is that plays your motherly role, we owe quite a bit to that person. If you didn't have that woman to guide and mold you into the wonderful person you are now, just imagine where you would be. We often times take for granted the things that our mothers do (I am so extremely guilty of this) but if you truly think about it, they gave up so much of their life in order to give us one. I can remember growing up telling myself I would never be a mother like mine. (i mean who at the age of 16 wants a mom that's going to tell her what to do?) But now, being a mother myself, i strive to be even half the mom that i had. I mean, of course, i believe that i have the absolute greatest mom out there! but we all do, every single one of us. These powerful determined women raised us to be who we are. we owe everything we have to that woman. This Mother's Day really thank your mom. She is and will always be your number one fan. We are very fortunate to have a God that created mothers. We are all so blessed. i know i am, beyond measure.

Happy Mother's Day to all you Beautiful Momma's!!